What if: A series of tiny ideas to make life a lil' bit better

A list of disjointed ideas I've had over time that would make useful updates to product experiences either as small new features or as enhancements to existing ones. Check it out -

Color blindness Previews

What if Figma had built-in previews that allowed designers to check how their screens might look to users with different types of color blindness? Think of a color blindness filter that comes on as an overlay on your canvas. It could help with designing more accessible solutions.

Dec 2023

Left-handed UI

What if apps had a setting where I could input whether I'm right-handed or left-handed, and then the app CTAs and other tap targets adjusted according to my preference?

Nov 2023

A truly safe SafeSearch

What if Google's SafeSearch didn’t just blur out explicit content but also let you mention topics you didn't want to see? For example, people with arachnophobia could add the keyword “spider” to their list, and voila! the search experience would be so much better.

Nov 2023

What do my friends have to say?

What if Airbnb had a social aspect so I could see ratings and reviews by my friends (and friends of friends) for a listing first? Reviews, even from my extended social circle, would have more credibility and influence on my decision to choose a listing than reviews from random people.

Nov 2023

Clean up the Duplicates

What if MacOS could read my Downloads folder, recognize duplicates, and automatically suggest cleaning up every month? A lot of us have our Downloads folders sitting with duplicated stuff with files named like FileName, FileName (1), and FileName (2). More often than not, we only want to keep the most recent download.

Sep 2023