Building an employee productivity tool - a collection

Building an employee productivity tool - a collection

Building an employee productivity tool - a collection

Building an employee productivity tool - a collection

On a personal note

A little something to know before you start reading

What does Lyearn do?

Lyearn is an employee productivity tool used by organizations. It helps teams align on shared goals, upskill with continuous learning, improve performance, and maintain engagement.

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On a personal note

A little something before you start reading

What does Lyearn do?

Lyearn is an employee productivity tool used by organizations. It helps teams align on shared goals, upskill with continuous learning, improve performance, and maintain engagement.

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On a personal note

A little something before you start reading

What does Lyearn do?

Lyearn is an employee productivity tool used by organizations. It helps teams align on shared goals, upskill with continuous learning, improve performance, and maintain engagement.

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On a personal note

A little something to know before you start reading

What does Lyearn do?

Lyearn is an employee productivity tool used by organizations. It helps teams align on shared goals, upskill with continuous learning, improve performance, and maintain engagement.

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Landing Page

Creating a landing page that does justice to everything Lyearn has to offer was an exhilarating task. I collaborated with one other designer to develop the outline, content, tone, design, copies, illustrations, and everything in between to showcase our product in the best possible way to the world.

Leveraging AI in Lyearn

AI has been making waves in technology. We leveraged generative AI and injected it into multiple features across Lyearn to enhance user experiences, automate flows, and help users achieve their goals faster. I've shown some ways in which we employed Gen-AI below.

  1. Generating learning content from scratch with AI.

  2. Modifying content tone and length using AI authoring controls.

  3. Getting automatic AI-generated summaries of past 1:1s.

  4. Creating relevant key results and tasks from existing OKRs with AI.

Masquerading as an Employee

Masquerading refers to logging into someone else's account as them. This feature tested both my client management skills and design principles, and required me to advocate for an ethical solution.

The Requirement

Administrators wanted the ability to log into an employee's account for troubleshooting purposes, which is a common practice. They wanted to do so discreetly.

The Dilemma

The idea of not informing employees that someone had logged in and performed actions as them troubled me. It infringed upon user privacy.

However, some administrators held a different perspective, strongly believing that keeping employees informed would be a disruptive experience, impeding the admin’s ability to perform their tasks freely.

The Solution

As designers, we have a responsibility to advocate for the personal boundaries of our users and make ethical decisions in our work. Implementing this feature involved multiple rounds of discussions with various clients. Eventually, we were able to persuade them of this solution, which I see as a small victory.

We implemented masquerading in the following way:

Administrators with the appropriate permissions could masquerade as someone else.

They would be informed about the meaning and implications of masquerading.

Aditi Sahu,

a Lyearn administrator,

masqueraded into your account.

1 min ago

Masquerading would immediately trigger a notification to the employee whose account was being logged into, informing them of the administrator's name, their role, and the time of access.

Administrators would see a floating banner at all times reminding them that they were in someone else’s account and providing a clear call-to-action to stop masquerading when finished.

Content Authoring

Organizations using Lyearn have dedicated teams responsible for authoring learning material for their employees. These authors are one of the primary user groups for Lyearn and need efficient, creative, and user-friendly ways to make content in various formats.

We brought content authoring onto Lyearn in multiple ways -


Designed to provide an immersive authoring experience.

Ideal for creating rich, long-format content.






Designed to provide a quick, simple, and linear experience.

Ideal for creating standard or short-form content.

Learning Paths


SCORM Imports

Designed to bring Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) content from another learning management system into Lyearn.



Designed to provide authors with a library of external content from popular web resources that they can bring into their workplaces to facilitate learning.


LinkedIn Learning


Most of the authoring experience was built with the support of at least one other designer and a product manager over 3 years.

We designed 30+ building blocks in the Course Builder and all necessary authoring workflows to allow authors to collaboratively create rich learning content and deliver it the way they want.

Snippets from different content builders. Each builder flow was researched in depth, designed end-to-end, and validated with users to ensure the best experience possible.

Lyearn Connect

Organizations wanted to share learning material with other academies on Lyearn and manage them from a single location. There were two use cases for this:

  1. Academy A wanted to sell its created content on Lyearn to Academy B while maintaining creative control and getting learning reports.

  2. An organization wanted to establish multiple academies for different user groups but have some content shared between them. For example, Academy A for internal employees and Academy B for partner users.

The only way to achieve this on Lyearn was to manually copy and paste the content to create duplicates in another academy. This process was time-consuming for authoring teams, as any edits had to be made across multiple copies of the same content. Moreover, it forced administrators to jump through multiple academies to see disjointed content reports that they would have to consolidate on their own.

The Solution

We built a way on Lyearn to have multiple connected academies that could share Content, Sessions, and Reports with each other. We called this solution Lyearn Connect.

In this project, I took on the role of a lead designer, working alongside a designer and a product manager.

Lyearn offers a ton of content authoring and management settings to users. Carrying them smoothly across academies presented several complex challenges to address. These challenges included implementing permission controls, enabling embedded item sharing, configuring visibility settings, managing revocation, archival and deletion, and tracking learner progress on shared items.

Making Lyearn Connect successfully work for academies was a task that required active collaboration with the backend team, QA team, and client managers.

We made user flows to send, accept, or reject connection requests, share and manage material, as well as view reports across academies.